why are initiators the least popular in gold/plat?

Posted by Steve

Friday, February 4, 2022 6:02 PM

we all know that team composition is everything and not having an initiator isnt the end of the world. but it just made me wonder. in almost every game, there would be at least one duelist, controller, and sentinel. sage would be on her own as a seperate role in that elo. and then most likely another duelist.

i find myself having the role of initiators forced upon me rather than controller IF i were to adjust accordingly for my team. but i play what im better at so its usually just another sentinel or controller.

i cant speak for all elos, but if youre gold or plat, or if you have really great understanding of the game, why do you think initiators arent picked as often? we all know they can make their own solo plays too, similar to a duelist.

just a fun thing for me to think about. please dont get too offended if i said anything wrong.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/sk5ado/why_are_initiators_the_least_popular_in_goldplat/
  • https://reddit.com/sk5ado

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