Why insta lock duelist if ur not gonna entry

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 2:26 AM

I'm still kinda new to this game but people always instalock duelists and play so opposite to what a duelist supposed to do.

They don't entry, lurk on attack, bait teammates, push on defense do all sorts of dumb things that's not beneficial to the team.

Worst thing is they insta lock and forced others to pick smokes, healers, sentinels like ?!?!?

I wish we could rate players how well they played their roles and everyone could see that so they play better next time. Or a timer before which people can't instalock in selection screen. Idk they are just annoying and make the game less enjoyable.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ru6058/why_insta_lock_duelist_if_ur_not_gonna_entry/
  • https://reddit.com/ru6058

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