Why are people in lower ranks so resistant to new tactics?

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 30, 2020 2:12 PM

I’ve been silver 1 for a while (I don’t really play comp) and I’ve been watching a lot of first Strike for new strats and stuff and I see them be able to do strats that I’ve never done before but still work. People in my games, especially my friends, don’t try to be creative or play unpredictably when I try to tell them to. They’re always like “cypher and killjoy MUST ALWAYS play at bind B, NEVER play A” and “sage MUST ALWAYS wall off split mid” every single round. No unpredictability or creativity. When I’m cypher, I try to play a different site every 2-3 rounds but they keep saying I’m throwing. Why isn’t it that they are so stubborn?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k3com6/why_are_people_in_lower_ranks_so_resistant_to_new/
  • https://reddit.com/k3com6

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