Why do people think it is ok to ruin ranked games for "low elo" players?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 10:07 PM

I have been playing for almost 2 years, was able to get through bronze, sit silver most of the time, peaked gold 2. I understand this is low elo, I only play 5-10 games a week.

The smurfing and throwing is getting ridiculous. Every 3rd game has smurfs or someone or a group, just ruing it for everyone else in the game. Why do "high elo" players feel it is ok to ruin the ranked experience for others? You are good at the game, I'm happy for you.

When you call them out they're just like "it's silver it doesn't matter", "it's a skill issue", "yall are dog". Would it be OK for radiants to smurf ascendant games and just ruin it for the others? Can riot really not just make this against tos and ban ip addresses from queuing for a week at a time or something? Make it reportable, create any risk for these a holes?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/11xfgd1/why_do_people_think_it_is_ok_to_ruin_ranked_games/
  • https://reddit.com/11xfgd1

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