Why is queuing at night so much worse than queuing during the day?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 16, 2021 3:09 AM

Immortal 3 player here, it’s hard for me to be able to find time to play during the day and early evening at the moment so usually the only time I can play is after midnight. But honestly, i don’t even want to play after midnight because every game is the same story, instalock duellists, no smoke, if there’s communication it’s usually people being toxic etc. I honestly don’t get it, I had 400rr before I stopped playing during the day as often and now i’m at 200rr purely because of these trolls and weirdos. I don’t get why late night is so much worse.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rgrp4d/why_is_queuing_at_night_so_much_worse_than/
  • https://reddit.com/rgrp4d

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