why do we still not have servers in africa?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 13, 2022 2:55 PM

why do we still not have servers in africa?

Hello to the few people that might see this since i don't think this post will gain traction (as always with the africa server stuff)

So it's almost been two years since the game came out but africa was literally the only continent that was skipped for servers, as if we do not exist. I'm from south africa where our lowest ping to eu servers can be anywhere from 150ms to 200ms depending on where you are in the country (i get 180ms) and we grind everyday on these servers because we love the game but sometimes it's just really tilting when the enemy just has more bullets than you.
Anyway, we have quite a number of players here in south africa and africa as a whole that play valorant and more that would switch if we actually had servers.

When we ask riot support about getting servers, the answer we get most of the time is "we have no plans for you currently" or "make some noise and the devs will hear you out" but

When the netcode dev diaries video came out and we saw that africa was just skipped, the whole comment section was flooded with "can we get servers in africa" for that first month but nothing. There was this reddit post that was made that gained traction but also nothing even though other random posts about the game that don't even get that much attention, easily get a reply from the devs. We spam the devs on twitter but still nothing

The only reason i ever grinded to immortal in 2020 was because of this reply from val support but i came to realize after a year that it wasn't gonna happen, i achieved my goal but man having no servers sucks. We have enough players to occupy a server and we also spend money on the game, we have so much talent in south africa and the whole african continent. I know it's not the easiest thing to setup a game server but its also not the hardest thing to do since riot piggy backs off of AWS instances.

I really wonder if we'll ever get servers but hopefully we do get them one day.
I also hope everyone who reads this has a great day/evening.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/s2b9li/why_do_we_still_not_have_servers_in_africa/
  • https://reddit.com/s2b9li

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