Why are Viper players so adorable?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 17, 2021 2:55 PM

The other day I was in ascent defending. So I go to the point to set up, and I see our Viper measuring her poison wall, trying to get it to land in the right spot, doing incremental twitches of her movement. I thought it was nice. Then I see her throw her poison orb onto a ledge but it keeps dropping. And for the whole time we were setting up, she couldn't get it to land on there. She just threw it and it dropped, she picked it up and threw it, it dropped. And repeat. I had another team mate near me and we were both standing there staring at her. Similarly on attack, she spent a while staring at the air, measuring her poison pool so it'd land in a good spot. I just found the whole thing hilarious but in a cute way.

Another game we had a great Viper who was shot-calling the entire game. But in a respectful manner. He was telling us what he was going to do and recommended what we should do. He was encouraging us and telling us it was all good if we lost a round. He was leading the ladder of course too. And I've noticed so many Viper players like this.

Funnily, Viper players are the only mains I've seen who aren't toxic (maybe Killjoy too). Just thought I'd share this.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kyfuyu/why_are_viper_players_so_adorable/
  • https://reddit.com/kyfuyu

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