With the introduction of Fracture, it is now possible to ult 3 times in 1 round

Posted by Steve

Sunday, September 5, 2021 9:24 AM

The first map to have four orbs could make things a little interesting.

  • Start round with an ult that costs 6 points, use it immediately.
  • 4 orbs (+4)
  • 2 kills(+2)
  • Use ult (-6)
  • Enemy sage res
  • 3 kills (+3)
  • die, have your own sage res you (+1)
  • plant/defuse spike (+1)
  • 1 kill (+1)
  • Ult as the round ends!

Cypher, Phoenix, Reyna, Skye, and Yoru have ults that cost 6 points. Wouldn't it be fun to spawn 9 cabbages in a single round?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pho6y1/with_the_introduction_of_fracture_it_is_now/
  • https://reddit.com/pho6y1

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