With all of these posts about the night market, I thought I would post my collection of awesome skins, and gives suggestions about the night market

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 20, 2022 2:41 PM

With all of these posts about the night market, I thought I would post my collection of awesome skins, and gives suggestions about the night market



As a returning player from beta though, I checked out my night market and it didn't interest me at all. It's no secret that most players tend to use a handful of guns - the classic, vandal, phantom, and spectre being the main ones for most. Knives are also used for rotating obviously. I got a single classic in my night market that I don't really like, and the rest are for guns I rarely use, so I don't really care for them. I think the night market should take into consideration what guns people use often, and what guns they don't really use, sort of like how the "Your Shop" works in LoL. I would have bought some cool skins if I had maybe a cool phantom or vandal skin, or even a marshal skin or something. I just don't use the guns I got, for the most part. For example, I've never bought a Judge even a single time, and only used it once when I picked it up off a dead player's body, yet it is still in my night market. I just don't think that is reasonable and it doesn't make me want to spend money lol


Just my 2c.


As for my skins in the market:



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ut7u89/with_all_of_these_posts_about_the_night_market_i/
  • https://reddit.com/ut7u89

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