Would You Play A Valorant Storymode?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 24, 2021 4:50 AM

It’s awfully odd to say because it is a FPS, which is a complete opposite to games like Minecraft: Story Mode (ig)

It’s also interesting to say that the developers have created lore and backgrounds to the game and agents, but not give the audience the full story

What’s Omen’s name? How did these agents meet? Why are these Agents given these specific powers or technology? Who’s the Agent with kids and family? Why cant we explore this parallel earth more and why is it so identical to this one?

I would also like to coin the name VaLoreAnt, if they ever make it

EDIT: Omen’s name is not Fred, it was retconned and was changed to a “Jaw” sound instead of “Fre-“


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/opdkya/would_you_play_a_valorant_storymode/
  • https://reddit.com/opdkya

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