Yo the /remake command needs to be usable after more then round 2, since I had 2 people disconnect at round 3...

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 15, 2021 3:24 PM

See the thing is, it said they disconnected, yet their characters wouldn't disappear. Then they finally disappeared on round 3. So maybe, just maybe, learn to make a bit fairer matchmaking and make it so /remake can be used before round 6. The fucking fact I lsot a match because I couldn't do /remake when clearly it said in the text that the 2 players disconnected ROUND 1, is a joke. Fix your fucking shit tier badly balanced not 50/50 game. I mean you put in a character like Chamber, you must be braindead.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qu97ul/yo_the_remake_command_needs_to_be_usable_after/
  • https://reddit.com/qu97ul

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