Yoru - New Agent - Possible Lore

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 11, 2021 12:45 PM

Yoru - New Agent - Possible Lore

I know that you all are excited about the upcoming new agent, his name is Yoru.
There are numerous videos that are available on youtube showing the game plays and Yoru's abilities.

Agent 14 - Yoru

Now I found some possible Yoru's lore hints in the Icebox map.

Let's start with the new RETAKE which dropped recently, By watching the full video, You can pretty much get the full information about Yoru's abilities. But here I was wondering how Yoru got his abilities. From where he got the mask of invisibility?

Check the attached screenshots, of an armor enclosed in a tight container/box, it looks like an ancient armor of mysterious Samurai, which Kingdom might have got its hands on it, or maybe they are the ones who are making these armors by using the Radianite and experimenting on it. There could be both possible reasons for the existence of that armor.

You can find the hint of those armor experiments on these screens.

It looks like they are working on that armor and might've possibly successful in making that mask of invisibility with other powers.

Now if you are reading this post before the 12th of Jan 2021 ( Yoru's release ), you can find the same Samurai armor in the ICEBOX Map's Bunker. But can also see that the Mask is there, and intact.

This Samurai Armour box can be seen on A SPIKE LOCATION, in the Bunker.

You can see here that mask is there, now it doesn't really look like the same mask which Yoru wears, but I am sure this is the same mask.

Now what I think is, I think Yoru might have had the intel about this mask for a long time, and wanted to steal it from the KINGDOM CORPs. ( could be a possible reason..tbh it cant be since KINGDOM is hiring all the agents? IDK?? what you think?? )

This is the ICON of the Yoru's ULT.

Here is how Yoru looks when he wear the mask. now that looks BADASS!!

Now a lot of you are a fan of the Sova Master Average Jonas's Youtube channel, I checked his recent video in which was exploring the new abilities of Yoru, and found out about this new change in the ICEBOX MAP, and just like I thought, his friend also gave a hint about the possible reason what might have happened there. You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/mzJzcB1AI5w?t=320

Now in the following screenshot, you can see that the Armour box is now broken, someone might've entered the Building and stolen it, and as Jonas's friend mention, Yoru might've taken the Mask.

This is a new change in the icebox map, which you will see after the 12th of Jan 2021, as you can see someone broke into the container.

and here you can see that MASK IS MISSING, who stole it? of course that butterfly knife comb master Yoru. But the dude got the nice outfit, somewhat better than Phoenix.

Also, you can see in this screenshot, there is an intruder alert message on the screen ( This you can see if you use the cheat mode on the ICEBOX MAP ), Kingdom Corp might've detected the break-in, but well not able to identify anyone on the camps since you can use the invisibility ability if you got the mask.

Here you can see the intruder alert on the A site spike location.

So what do you think guys? are there any dots getting connected? what do you think? Please feel free to add your own possible lore explanation, I am really excited for the new agent, This might be the new OP agent or could be a new Phoenix flashing everyone in the face. lol


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kufetp/yoru_new_agent_possible_lore/
  • https://reddit.com/kufetp

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