You can go back in time to talk to yourself when you first played this game. Other than "don't play", which advice would you give yourself?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 7:00 AM

I'd tell myself to change the crosshair. I refused to believe it changed anything. Also lower that sens. 1.07 is not acceptable. Why did you think that increasing the initial sens by 0.07 would help?

Don't listen to your friends saying you're "going after kills". You're a duelist, you should take space. You're doing it right. You don't even know it, but you're doing it right. You'll become a shitty duelist by listening to them.

Stop using the shift because you saw high elos saying that lower elos don't use shift. Learn the right moment to use it. No, all the time is not the right moment.

Stop saving all that credit. You're not buying a house.

No, it's not okay to rely on the recoil going up to the head. Aim at the head. Control the recoil.

Stop saying you won't buy skins. You will. I know it sounds dumb now but you will buy a shit ton of skins.

And keep up with that practice in the range. It's gonna be worth it, I promise.



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