You know what Valorant lacks? Announcers

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 15, 2022 1:29 AM

I want to have a voice commenting all actions, and I want to be able to choose that voice. I want an announcer to add some vibe to the game. I need someone screaming in Spanish or whichever language looks cooler « And THAT’S a INCREDIBLE AAAACE » when I ace, or saying « Git gud » when I get killed early round. I’m thinking El Guapo from Heroes of the Storm for those who played that game.

I’d even pay 50$ for that.

I know the agents already give their own comments, but I’d like an external, customisable voice to take on part of that role. Obviously not the ults, nor the buying phase interactions, but some count downs, comments on kills, saying when an enemy is spotted and the likes.



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