4v5 win after team mate quits round 2 because “we’re trash and he doesn’t wanna waste his time”

Posted by Steve

Thursday, July 15, 2021 4:50 AM

Won a 4v5 game, 13-11 on a Icebox after our Raze quit round 2 because he decided to go and push mid by himself and died almost instantly. We asked him to just chill out and play with the team but he lost his shit and said we’re all trash and he’s leaving cause we’re a waste of time lmao! Round 2 attacker side on a ICEBOX and he rage quits that hard. He even claimed to be a D3 smurf before the game started and said he was gonna carry out trash asses. It was pretty cool though how no one else on my team even got angry or reacted badly, we all just laughed our asses off at his rage quit. We went on to play perhaps one of the smoothest, most relaxed and yet intense and well commed ranked match I’ve ever played. Like legit I think all of us were thinking fuck this rage quitter lets win this game. It was kind of nuts how well we all did, all 4 of us had 20+ kills.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ojv1n8/4v5_win_after_team_mate_quits_round_2_because/
  • https://reddit.com/ojv1n8

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