A short unrated mode?

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 10, 2021 6:02 AM

I've had this opinion for a long time, that unrated games just last way too long, if I wanted to play a long stressful game I would just play comp. It seems that a majority of games I play end up going 12-13, and I end up dedicating 40min to an hour to a game that doesn't even have any affect on my rank. I feel that if unrated went to something like 8 (switch half on 7), it would just feel a lot more casual and easier to play through the bad games. i.e. If you are down 0-5, instead of dragging through another 8+ rounds, it would only be at least 3.

I usually play unrated over comp because it's more chill and I like playing the game casually with friends, but some games you can just tell you are going to lose, and it sucks knowing that you have to drag this out for 13+ rounds or just ff. Personally I would forfeit a lot less often if the games were shorter.

IDK if this idea would work, because if you make a new game mode you are splitting the player base and increasing the queue time. The other option would be to permanently change unrated mode, and they might get some backlash from that.

I've just had this idea that playing to 8 would feel so much better in a casual sense, and I just curious if anyone agrees with me.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/n8j9vh/a_short_unrated_mode/
  • https://reddit.com/n8j9vh

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