Agent 15: What we may be seeing soon...

Posted by Steve

Saturday, February 27, 2021 12:16 PM

Original Tweet

Credit to u/Samswize for some pre-leaks concepts!

Yesterday morning, Riot released a teaser about Agent 15. I spent some time today to break down what some of the drawings might mean, and I came up with a few ideas on what her abilities might be. Two of the images here are taken from other places, one is a screenshot of one of many teasers found in all of the maps, and one is taken from a different post (I couldn't find the original, but I was told it was from the Russian Valorant twitter.)

First of all, her ultimate ability has been talked about for a while now and a lot of the Valorant community has suspected that we’re going to be getting a black hole ultimate. The drawings in the tweet pretty much confirms this, as we see a cartoon Viper running away from a dark orb in classic Tom and Jerry style. The second image is likely what she looks like while using her ultimate, similar to Reyna. I think this could be a very useful ability and might be used similarly to Breach’s ultimate. Another idea on this is a wormhole, similar to the teleporters used on Bind. Some scientists in the real world have theorized that for every black hole, there is an opposite white hole, where everything that enters is pushed out. Perhaps this could play into the new agent’s ultimate, with two tethered areas, one drawing players in and the other pushing players out/away. This could be very broken, so I don’t know if they will end up going with something like this, but it would be cool to see.

The second ability that was hinted to in the same image was a minimap with 3 orbs, similar to the ones that are being found all around the maps. I believe this could be a remote controlled flash placed in the same way as brimstone’s smokes. If the flashes can be detonated like Raze’s satchels without switching to the ability, this could make for a very powerful signature. It could also be (as some users have been suggesting) a mixture of smoke and flash. While the teasers contained smoke. I'm not 100% sure if a smoke-flash is something Riot is adding. I think a really great way to make this agent stand out would be to add a completely new mechanic with this ability.

The other abilities are much less evident, but two main images stand out:

The first image reads "refine COSMIC DIVIDE," and this is most likely going to be the name of an ability. This could either be her ultimate, pointing to her having the wormhole ability I talked about earlier, or a separate ability. I don't think Cosmic Divide is linked to the signature (the teased , but it might have something to do with a new mechanic. One idea on this comes from imperfections in the map of Ascent shown in the image with the purple hand. It may have something to do with an ability that can create a divide between parts of the map. The second image is a drawing of planet, given that the largest one has a ring around it. It may just be a drawing of some planets, but it could also hint at an ability. u/Samswize came up with an ability called Star Cluster, and while the original version they came up with was pretty broken, it may not have been completely out of the question. Essentially, Star cluster was an Omen smoke style ability that damaged enemies it came in contact with, and exploded on impact with a wall. While it may not end up dealing quite as much damage as in the original concept (40 damage per second and 100 after impact,) It may end up being something similar. I think it could be a solar system shaped projectile, moving forward at about the same speed as an Omen Paranoia. This may be unlikely though, so I came up with a different take. Instead of one large solar system, instead it could be a couple of planets, similar to sage's slow orb. Brimstone and Viper already have mollies, so a similar but different damage ability might be a bouncy planet projectile that does some damage and maybe reduces vision. I don't really know what it might end up as, but something along those lines seems reasonable and semi-likely. Something I do want to see is a rewind ability. I would really love something similar to Samswize's Phaser concept. Phaser would have sent the agent, who was named Justine in the concept, backward a few meters. Instead the agent would travel to the location she was in 3 seconds ago. This could be a cool ability for spike control, giving a little bit of time to escape situations in an easier way than with Yoru, and more consistent.

That's pretty much all I have on this, so if you made it this far, thanks for reading. I'm probably going to be posting some of my clips I have saved on my PC over the next few days, they're pretty funny. I hope to see some of your ideas before the final release!



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