Posted by Steve
Friday, April 21, 2023 9:38 PM
Here is a character I made hope you like, there are no visuals to show the abilities or the character. I might end up making it later this year but for know enjoy. I tried to make him a balanced and fit his role as much as a could.
kite Perez
Agent name: echo
Agent 25
Sex: Male
Age 17
Role: sentinel
Radiant powers: sound manipulation
Country: Spain
Kite Perez or echo was abandoned as a child in an orphanage and grew up lonely from two chaotic adoptive families but always kept positive wanting to one day have a family who he truly cared for. At the age of 15 echo gained radiate power from being near a radiant mining facility in his town. When echo realised he could control his powers he contacted the kingdom to help, the kingdom then sent Clint Martin a radiant trainer working for kingdom to help radiants. Echo is sent to the democratic republic of Congo to train with Clint and some other radiants at the research and storage facility located there. Clint works along side K-SEC to help echo control his powers and eventually creating cloves that help stop the vibrations that is inflicted on his body from the use of his abilities. 2 years later and echo has become real close with Clint to the point as viewing him as his family which makes it harder for him to when he losing him to the valorant legion that invaded the facility to steal the large quantities of radiantia stored there. Echo is seen defending the research’s from the legion when Sage, Brim and Killjoy arrive to help retake the facility. The legion the leave after being unsuccessful in stealing the radiante. sage brings back those the were fall to the legion and that’s when Echo asks to join the valorant protocol not noting at the time of the valorant protocol to protect people.
Personality: very positive, often tries to support the other members of the valorant protocol. Highly admires sova and cares for the valorant protocol
Main role: echos main role is defend from enemy team or find time for the team to execute a plan of action. Echo bailies are mainly geared towards defend sites like Cypher and Killjoy as well supporting and protection his allies. This agent is geared towards those that like to get wins through safe and careful planning.
Cost: 300 credit C heat waves - Uses sound waves to create an area full of heat that players can’t past and burns players that pass through for 10 damage every second. This ability lasts for 7 seconds, no agent can go through and any items placed in the area will be destroyed e.g ( cypher camera, killjoy alarm bot etc). This ability can still be shot through by guns but makes up for in its abilities range 1.7 meters and keep enemies out temporarily.
Cost: one free and one for 150 credit Q - throws a tool the shape of a barrie/small ball that deals 25 damage on impact if caught img the blue sound waves or 10 damage in the white sound waves and deafens for 5 seconds. The players has 2 of these
Cost: 300 credit E scouts - this ability allows you to locate enemies by placing 4 robots that send sound waves across an area. The robots can be placed in a zone or be sent to scout out enemies. The robots can levite using sound waves.
Cost: 5 stars R Sound defends - Echo puts both of his hands together to creating an ultra sound wave that pushing all players caught in it back, stoping a incoming bullets as well as slowing down players for 4 seconds. The ability last for 6 seconds (+ 4 second slow) and is used to temporarily defend and slow the opposing team. Echo can be killed while using this ability.
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