Agent concept: AQUA

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 11:48 AM


Flowing in from Malaysia, Agent Aqua utilizes hydropower to root enemies in their place, disrupting their plans.

With the energy flowing through her veins, Aqua sends her enemies flying out of their hide spots and catches them right back down.


Aqua (Initiator)

All of these are suggested values and can be readjusted, nerfed or buffed.



Enemies affected by Fluid are sliding along the ground with very little controllability, due to a big loss of friction. Allies affected by Fluid gain 20% Speed boost and equip abilities, ready or reload their weapons 50% faster.



Abilities that apply Frozen cause affected enemies to be rooted in place for 2 seconds. Enemies affected by Fluid are rooted 1 second longer. When Frozen, they are also revealed when touching Water Carpet (C). Frozen does not apply twice from the same source.

Water Carpet (C): | Charges: 1 | Price: 450 | Effect Duration: 2s - 6s |

EQUIP a transforming ability and see its indicators and movement area. FIRE to turn into a water carpet becoming invulnerable to bullets and Fluid, while unable to use anything but Abilities. Allies on the carpet become Fluid, Enemies become Frozen. 

RE-USE to appear at the current position. After 6 seconds, return to the initial position. 

Water Carpet's (C) size seen on Haven from A Lobby into A Sewer, shortened due encountering a wall.

Water Carpet (C) Freeze without Fluid (left bot), and with applied Fluid (right bot), on the Carpet they are revealed while Frozen.

Splash Ball (Q): | Charges: 2 | Price: 200 | Effect Duration: 5s |

FIRE to throw a splash ball that spreads in a cone upon landing. Enemies that touch it are Frozen for 2 seconds. The created area increases the area of Water Carpet (C) if it connects with it.


Shock Wave (E): | Charges: 1 | Cooldown: 40 s | Radius: 5m |

EQUIP a device. FIRE to throw the device that sticks to the first surface it hits, knocks enemies away from it, applying Fluid after wind up or when shot. Knockback speed higher in the center.

Shock Wave Size, as KAY/Os grenade. Deals no damage, only sends enemies flying. Estimated knockback distance and angle, with about 1.5s remaining Fluid debuff.

Tsunami (X): | 8 Ult points |

EQUIP to prepare summoning ability and see its indicator. FIRE to release a big Tsunami wave traveling indefinitely and ignoring walls. The wave blocks vision, reduced bullet damage, and applies Fluid to all Agents. Additionally, Enemies already affected by Fluid become Frozen and take damage instead.

Example on Defender Spawn on Haven. Shockwave (E), blue, knocks an enemy agent (green line) against the Tsunami (X, light blue, seen angle), dealing damage (depending on knockback speed) and freezes them, making the agent lose any horizontal momentum, but not vertical momentum. When frozen, unable to steer in the air and falls down.

In-Depth Overview:

Technical Ability information with suggested Values

These are only suggestions of mine, and of course, can be changed by anyone who thinks they don’t fit.

Water Carpet (C):

Size and Stats:

2m width and up to 20m length, if not obstructed by a wall – 2 seconds minimum – 6 seconds maximum - Spreads 10m/s – 0.5 Equip Time - 1s Use time - 2s Re-Use time - Dark Blue color


Animation: She literally becomes liquid and dissolves into the water carpet.

While in the Water Carpet, she can only move in the carpet and use abilities and is only portrayed as a small wave for other Agents. Her FOV change is similar to Skye in her Tasmanian Tiger/Trailblazer (Q).

When liquefying, she is vulnerable for 0.5 seconds of the 1 second after casting the ability.

When returning to human form, Aqua is invulnerable for 1.75 seconds of the 2 seconds and equips her weapon afterward.

For allies, Fluid doesn’t linger after leaving the Carpet.

Cannot surpass steep height differences

Color Change to a lighter blue tone when connecting with Splash Ball (Q), increases movement area.

Splash Ball (Q):

Size and Stats:

Cone-shaped ability with about ~75m² area – consist of an oval and a circle segment, with its center overlapping with the center of the oval. I’d suggest a 14m radius in a 40° degree (68.41m²), and an oval as big to get to roughly 75m². But that is just a suggestion.

0.3 seconds Use time – Spreads 60m²/s

The area lasts 5 seconds


Animation: Aqua turns her Foot into the Ball and shoots it.

Behaves like KAY/O’s grenade

Keeps weapon drawn

Ignores height differences

Enemies landing on the area of Splash Ball (Q) that is connected with Water Carpet (C) are revealed too while Frozen.

The area stays during its duration, regardless of connection with Water Carpet (C)

Shock Wave (E):

Size and Stats:

Sphere with 5m Radius – 0.5 Equip Time – 0.4 Unequip Time – 1s Windup Time, instantly when shot – applies Fluid for 2 seconds.


Animation: Aqua takes the device out of her metallic belly

Aqua throws a hydraulic device that sticks to the first surface it touches. After 1 second or when shot, the water in the device is compressed to cause an explosion that deals no damage but knocks enemies away from it.

Deals no damage on its own, only fall damage in certain scenarios.

Maximum Knockback strength: When standing right on top of it get thrown in the air, and lose 25 HP to fall damage.

Launch speed and angle depend on placement, the further away from the center, the less knockback speed, but Fluid duration stays the same.

Tsunami (X):

Size and Stats:

Ultimate 8 points - 3m thick, 5m wide and 10m high – Moves 7m/s - 0.8s Equip Time – 0.5 Unequip time - 2s Use time.


Tsunami travels indefinitely (because I doubt there would be a good vanishing Animation) and through walls, is seen for everyone on the Minimap. The Tsunami blocks Vision and slows bullets that travel through it, reducing their damage by 33%.

Applies Fluid to all Agents touching the wave, lingering for 3 seconds. Enemies already affected by Fluid lose any horizontal movement speed and become Frozen instantly for 3 seconds, taking up to 50 damage ignoring shields (depending on Knockback speed) falling to the ground.

Theoretical Maximum Damage: Standing on top of exploding Shock Wave (E) while being submerged by Tsunami (X). The maximum Knockback strength deals full 50 damage. And the fall damage after deals 25 damage.

Some Quote ideas:

Enemy touching Water Carpet (C):

I notice you are right there

Now you can’t move

Hearing Enemy touching Splash Ball (Q):


Ha, got you

Enemy getting Frozen while Fluid:

Slipped right into my trap

Couldn’t dodge, huh?

Match Start on Bind:

It’s very dry here, I must say – Hopefully, this won’t take too long.

Match Starts on Breeze:

*Breaths in*...I love the salty fresh air of the sea.


Ally Cast:

Flow with the stream!

Enemy Cast:

You will drown in despair!

Last Round before the switch:

Our money and weapons will be flushed after this, use it all now

After this round our money will dissolve, so better use it now.

Match Start:

Focus or the win flows out of our hand

I’ll remove them from their camp spots and you end them

I throw them into the air... and catch them right after

I freeze, you shoot... Simple

Last Round won:

They thought we are washed up *chuckles, becoming serious*, Wrong!

If this continues, their Deathcounter needs a third digit.

Ally KAY/O

Aqua: Who wants a Hug?

KAY/O: I know my systems are water-proof, but I rather don’t chance it

Ally Skye

Skye: Aqua, I am sorry if one of my creatures drinks from you

Aqua: It tickles a bit, but it’s fine.

Enemy Phoenix

Aqua: I will put their Phoenix out.

Match won on Icebox:

Woah, I almost freeze – Whose Idea was it to fight here?



Also Aqua could totally also be a male, or a Radiant (like Omen)

Thanks to everyone reading this. I am glad you showed interest in my concept



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