Posted by Steve
Monday, January 16, 2023 3:38 AM
A new twitter post from the official valorant account shows jett, kj and raze all in different attire from normal, we also saw sage in a completely new fit. the cosmetics team has also been hinting at something ever since the year recap last month. I think agent skins are on the horizon 👀
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Thank you to the devs
I just wanna post a quick thank you to all the valorant devs that were a part of adding in the "we forgot the spike" lines. Idk when they were added, but they're really useful.
Posted by Otto
Monday, February 15, 2021 2:40 AM
First Ever Tripwire Kill (that I've seen)
Posted by Otto
Saturday, April 10, 2021 6:31 PM
Is the QUALITY of games in ranked fixable? Not talking about winning or losing.
You finally have some time to yourself. You log-on and play some comp - maybe enough time for 3 games if you're lucky. Game 1 - you get smurfed on and destroyed. Game 2 - not a single person on your team has mics, several instalock duelists...
Posted by Otto
Monday, October 4, 2021 10:07 PM