Being told to "pull back"

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 28, 2021 8:41 PM

What do you players do when told to "pull back" from a volatile confrontation? Do you guys pull back and hold some kind of angle or a flank of some sorts, or you pull back but play a bit less aggressively, meaning you peek here and there for info, exchange some bullets here and there.

I just wanted to know what the norm/meta is, because if we just let the attacking team take control of Mid, I feel that puts my team a disadvantage already, if I pulled back and did not do anything.

Anyways, I peek a little for info, or try to damage as much as I can while "pulling back" cause in my mind, they already have Mid control and my death is emminent. Running away and hide in a corner feels like a waste to actually doing something.

What do you guys do when being told to "pull back"? If ever. I was told we lost because we kept peeking Mid, even though we got exchanges here and there.



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