Posted by Steve
Monday, April 17, 2023 1:28 AM
In a time where across pretty much all forms of media it's common to have writers add token diversity, be it ethnic or sexual, for no good reason aside from the obvious marketing benefits and the right to call yourself inclusive, I really have to applaud Valorant for doing it in a great way.
Every charater is from somewhere else, they have an accent and speak their language in some voicelines and overall have a bunch of culturally unique traits about them. But it's all really simple and not forceful. Killjoy, Sova, Chamber, Skye etc. you could easily guess where they're from, but it's not the main thing they have going for them. While also clearly not being just a nametag to give a character and then not care about making it real at all.
The characters all have unique personalities just loosely related to their nationality (or sometimes not at all, like Reyna) in a way that feels very natural. They don't exist to stand for something or represent something. They're just, people, that behave in whatever way they happen to behave. There are tough masculine guys like Breach or Brimstone. Chill people like Gekko, Raze, Neon and Phoenix. Morally guided Sage and Skye, indifferent Chamber and Cypher, and questionable Reyna and Viper.
None of them feel forced in the slightest and are just human characters with human characteristics. They have interesting unique but not out-of-the-ass backstories that clearly relate to who they are. Oh and then we have a robot and a humanoid shadow because why not?
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