Clash in valorant?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 5:33 PM

A valorant "clash" would be sooo fun and promote the competetive nature of the game.

If you dont know what clash is, it is a tournament held weekly in league (as far as i know), where you compete against a set of other contestants and win a small price if you place first. The price isnt really the big point of having clash in valorant. it is to have regular tournaments with rankings based on your past "clash" records. Tournaments are by far the peak of competetive shooters and would be a great addition to valorant.

As a player who would like to compete in tournaments it is really hard to find any. I have done a lot of google searches and there barely isnt any especially if you arent high rank.

EDIT: Apparently this is already a feature confirmed to be coming to valorant xD



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