Cypher Buffs That Aren’t OP + QOL Changes

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 25, 2021 5:33 AM

Here are some changes that I think can really improve Cypher as an agent.

  1. Most important one by far. Allow Cypher to activate his cages using the same key for throwing them instead of using F/interact key. It’s pretty ridiculous how many times I’ve tried to activate my cage and picked up my trip instead.

  2. Buff idea: When an enemy steps into your cage, disable audio cues while they are in the cage. Simultaneously show a picture of the enemy on the outside of the cage similar to how Cyphers picture can be seen when you enter the cage. I think this can really help with info gathering as well as making enemies less confident pushing through the cage.

  3. Buff idea: Reduce the distance enemies can move while they’re caught by a trip. It’s incredible easy to move into cover while still caught in Cyphers trip and it reduces the effectiveness of playing off of them; They’re already pretty weak as it is.

I honestly think these are pretty balanced but let me know what you think :)

Ps. Thank you for all the feedback! It’s been great learning about the problems you find with Cypher. Many of you mentioned ideas that would really improve him as an agent :)



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