Deathmatch should not have a winner, it should just be a timer

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 7:57 AM

The main issue that I think makes dm awful for warming up or just trying to improve is the way people play it. A lot of players play to win it rather than using it to improve certain aspects of their game.

Maybe it’s just me but as an ex cs player I know the benefits of deathmatch but when people start playing for the win they start playing in a manner where they are shifting and hiding in corners a lot and just generally makes dm awful.

When I started playing the game I was playing 10 dms a day but now even at immortal I just go a bit in the practice range, play half a dm and hop on to comp. I wish dm was a more enjoyable experience where I can just play to improve certain aspects of my gameplay. But as of now dm just feels like a normal game mode rather than something used to improve. I don’t know if anyone agrees with me but this is my opinion.



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