Does time work differently than in CS?

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 27, 2022 7:00 AM

I can't remember how many times I've commed to someone that I'll flash them around a corner as Breach and watch as they wait for both of my flashes to fade before peeking. How many times has some Reyna onetrick twiddled with their thumbs while I'm entrying and waiting for them to get the easy trade.

It's like the concept of 'now' doesn't translate to a valorant player. It's like they experience time at a different pace to the rest of the world.

I'd like to get something constructive out of this, so please offer any wisdom that may help a salty scrub. I like playing supportive characters which is often a problem as the players I'm trying to create opportunities for are not aware of said opportunities.

I'm still going through the unranked games required to play before heading into ranked, maybe this will get better there. I also play a lot with friends whom I've known to posess brain cells, which makes it easier.



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