Former CSGO players, why did you switch?

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 30, 2023 10:36 PM

Before Valorant came out I just got into tactical shooters with CSGO. I've only played that game for 240 hours and basically all of it was casually with friends, but I enjoyed the game a lot.

Then Valorant came out and it basically had all aspects I liked from CSGO, but with more variety in the form of abilities and I liked the art style a lot more. I've played League for many years before getting into tactical shooters so abilities were second nature to me as well.

While I had some CSGO experience I was still really bad when Valorant came out, but I think the game is a lot more beginner friendly. Being able to place smokes by just clicking on the map instead of learning lineups for example and the fact you don't need to counter strafe make it mechanically a lot easier to learn.

If you switched from CSGO to Valorant, I'm curious why?

- What is the main reason you switched?

- What does Valorant do better?

- What does CSGO do better?

- What would you change about the game?

Would love to hear your stories :)



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