Help a Momma Out

Posted by Steve

Saturday, September 11, 2021 2:55 PM

My son has been playing Valorant for just a bit. He has recently been penalized and locked out for a time period. I think it's because I am asking him to log off after his screen time limit has been met. Is that not allowed? How can I help him play for a reasonable amount of time and exit "properly" without incurring penalties?

ETA: Thank you all! I will adjust for the sake of being a team player and fully enjoying game play. I wish these games came with a mom guide, but with basic expectations, not just full of warnings.

ETA2: Whoa with all the love. I'm going to remember this thread and all the kind words when parenting inevitably gets hard. Thank you. And my son will thank you for his increased Valorant screen time!



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