Posted by Steve
Saturday, June 26, 2021 12:02 PM
Step one: body block it
With the duration reduction on the new patch, viper mollies are significantly weaker, so you can often catch viper players who are over confident in their mollies off guard by just sticking it.
Viper mollies deal a significantly less amount of damage than all other mollies. But players seem to often forget that. With the new nerf, it deals 158 TOTAL DAMAGE. This means that if you are at full armor, and wait half a second beside the molly and then run into it to defuse, you will live.
Currently it is especially effective because many viper mains haven’t adapted to the new changes yet and won’t peek after they mollied the bomb.
Here is the duration you have to wait for each health threshold.
150: 0.5s 125: 1.5s 100: 2.5s 80: 3.25s
If comboed with decay, it becomes much tougher to rank the molly, but still practical. With the decay, the dps goes from 24 to 39, with an instant 30 damage.
150: 3.5s 125: 3.8s 100: 4.5s
If they have their decay, I strongly advise against sticking it because they will most likely shoot their second molly and kill you. But if you wait for the second molly you will have a chance.
And for my fellow viper players, remember to combo your decay with the molly now to make up for the damage. And you can also use these stats to determine if you should peek after molly ing.
I think this change is over all healthy for the game as it forces viper players to have to take the risk of peeking in post plants like every other agent, making it more fun to play as and against.
This is by no means something you should do in every situation as the mollies still do a lot of damage and you will be fucked if they peeked you or force you off the bomb. But it can be super useful in certain situations against certain players.
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