Posted by Steve
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 9:38 AM
I've been playing Valorant on my free time for around 1 month already. Ever since I started using machine guns, I ranked up pretty fast from Iron to Silver. But each time I try to use the Vandal or the Phantom, the usual scenario would be a 1 for 1 trade, or I die without any frag. I have a good aim with the Ares or Odin even at long distances (ex. A Tower to A Cubby on bind) but I perform bad at Rifles. I tried to practice head shots in the training ground and seem to do okay but they don't really translate well in game, even at deathmatch. I can't seem to win against one-tappers in deathmatch even if I use MGs. Any tips on what should I do to up my game?
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