It should be harder to make a smurf in Valorant

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 8:12 AM

It should be harder to make a smurf in Valorant

You shouldn't be able to make a new account, win 10 unrated games over 6-7 hours, then hop in with your friends and popoff for 35-10 in some iron-silver lobby if you are a plat+ player. It ruins the matchmaking quality of games. In LoL, it usually takes weeks of playing to be able to que ranked (and it restricts you to only duo que). Perhaps we can bump up the requirement to Valorant profile level 20. This would take significantly longer and allow actual new players to level up in spike rush as well.

Another restriction could be you are forced to soloque for the first 10 ranked wins. This would make it to where smurfs who want to throw to get to low elo would have to actually win a decent amount before being able to que as well as any smurfs who want to tryhard be placed around gold+ already, lowering the smurfs in iron-silver. These two restrictions could easily make it take smurfs 30+ hours in order to que with their friends instead of one evening, as well as potentially placing them higher before they are allowed to que in a group and blocking them from queing with friends in iron-silver.

Another suggestion I think would be good would be forcing every accounts stats to be public on , that way you could more easily see who is actually smurfing or who is just having a good game. It would at least give me more solace if after a valorant session I look back and had a really bad game, but its because I went 1-9 against a smurf and positive vs all his teammates.

TLDR: force new accounts to hit valorant profile level 20 before queing ranked, force accounts to win 10 ranked games solo before allowing group queing, force all accounts to show their match history to the public.

Edit: and the rageboys harassing my dms because they buy smurfs have started:



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