Posted by Steve
Thursday, February 2, 2023 4:07 AM
For most of you, you only remember the horrible implementation of phone numbers when OW2 launched but in other games it works pretty well, from my experience in R6 Siege it did wonders and today if you have a f2p online game smurfs and cheaters are gonna eat you alive unless you do something.
I ain't that afraid of cheaters as I'm afraid of smurfs who throw matches "for fun" ifcthat explains it well.
I don't play this game that much but I don't understand how you guys cope with it so good. From my last 20 comp matches i had 7 matches with 9 people throwing overall and 8 of them in which people leave matches and that is not normal even if you just got used to it.
I understand Riot's logic, smurfs are good fur business 'cause even some smurf accounts buy skins eventualy, but that needs to be much more regulated.
If your objection is that registrating your phone takes away your privacy, the game instaled on your PC takes even more info than that.
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I’ll leave this here.

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