Valorant should make DM a better mode.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 30, 2021 1:43 AM

Sorry for the bad English, this isn't by any means my mother language.

Hello, my name is Adam and I'm currently Immortal 2.

I come from 3000 hours of CS:GO and the first thing I noticed when I started playing this game was the fact that the deathmatch mode isn't as effective as it should be to get a good warmup.

I have 3 main suggestions to make this mode great and I would love to hear yours aswell in order for the developers to understand how a big of an issue this is.

1) Unlimited deathmatch:

I feel like the 2 restrictions that the game strictly puts into deathmatch (Time cap and kill cap) shouldn't be there in order to make the mode accessible at any given time without people having to change lobby every time a game ends.

I know that the limits are good for them to give us xp, but that makes the mode less enjoyable to people that want to get into the flow.

2) Different modes

I'm still trying to understand how in a year of this game being out deathmatch has almost always been played in the same way. I think there should be different modes inside the DM

For example:

-> Headshot only mode (combined with both pistols and rifles)

-> Rifles only mode

-> Snipers only mode

-> Pistols only mode

Having different ways of playing deathmatch would help the playerbase focus more on the specific aim attributes that they want to practice weaponwise. It's not all about aim, it's also about movement and crosshair placement.

3) Map selector

Linked to my previous point I'd like to address the fact that if we could choose which maps we want to play on we could specifically practice on certain angles and on how to place our crosshairs correctly.

I could write even more suggestions in this post (like making the mode more focused on aiming than camping and listening to sounds), but I'd like to hear your views aswell on the matter.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day :D



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