Posted by Steve
Friday, February 11, 2022 4:50 AM
Today in the morning, i was just chatting to my friend in discord asking him if he could logon to valorant for a quick spike rush... while in the conversation, my friend out of nowhere says "hey look i found a valorant point generator.." i was like "bruh no that must be fake" he was like "i dunnno gotta try it out to see"..... i first though this might be some sketchy website... but not caring about any viruses i just went and took a look... there i noticed the 'active users' number kept changing every few seconds... i got suspicious about it and i being a coder too, with my big brain, selected the numbers and opened inspect... there, i saw this random number script... it wasnt actually humans and was there just to "show" atleast other people are on the site and baiting kids into this crap.
conclusion free generator thingy's are hands down fake...

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