New player here: tips for getting started in ranked games?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, June 16, 2022 9:09 PM

Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to the game, I started about two weeks ago but I've been playing a lot and now I'm already level 24, meaning I can get started on ranked games whenever. However I've been holding back from it, partly because I want to hone in my skills some more, partly because I'm a little scared of the toxicity, and partly because I don't know what proper behavior should be in ranked games.

I'm looking for tips to jump the latter hurdle specifically: anything from optimal team composition, etiquette, how to effectively use comms to communicate important info, all the sorts of things that will get me started on this journey (someday). Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

If it's any help, I currently main Neon (though I'm also quite confident using Skye).



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