Posted by Steve
Tuesday, June 29, 2021 5:48 PM
Let me start off by saying this was all around best thing to happen to this game.
Here are some of my thoughts after 30 games, let me know if you feel the same.
Ranked wise it feels like I'm getting less games where people just instalocking duelists. I feel like people actually are leaning towards other agents. I've had a few games where people where actually telling the last guy who's usually a fill to go duelist.
I'm getting less games that are one sided. Most of the games have been close and after a loss I don't lose the same or more RR from when I win. This has been the best part for me which actually makes me want to play more. I know most of this has to due with the system trying to get me back up to the right rank but still it has been a relief. I'm sure if I feel this way there are also others who feel this way also. This should help cut down on smurfs because in the past if I lost 2 games I'd be done on my main and went straight to another account. The only reason for that is due to how harsh the system was on losses and you know if you solo queue the losses tend to add up at some point.
I'm also loving these new agents. I like how even though Kayo has been titled as an initiator, he can be played as a duelist. Riot somewhat did this with Astra also as she's kind of a controller/sentinel flex. This really helps out ranked as it gives people more choices. Now if I have a team that instalocks duelist right away I can still go Kayo and play him in a more hybrid role kinda how sage is played at times.
Gameplay has overall felt smoother, and the economy seems like very good change after you get used to it. Now players really have to think before they spam utility for no reason. For me personally I'm used to being a very aggressive player who doesn't care about dying if it benefits the team. But in ranked other players aren't usually the best at trading or playing off other people. So this update made me a little bit more selfish with my life and I've realized that in the elo I'm currently in(gold 3 - was D1 before) me staying alive towards the end of the round helps me win more games.
I haven't seen much running and gunning lately and it feels as if people have to aim. I'm not sure if its only me but I have seen a lot of jumping HS's though. Personally I've noticed my HS% has gone down by 5% since this update. I'm still not sure if its actually me or its because of the update but I'll have to keep an eye on it. I've seen it happen to other people also, so maybe it might have to do with the random running HS's we used to get in the past.
Overall I'm starting to enjoy the game a lot more again even though I solo about 80% of the time. Riot has done a really good job with this patch!
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