People who abandon matches need to be punished so that they cannot affect ranked

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 14, 2020 2:26 PM

3 of my ranked games this afternoon alone had a player abandon by round 4. These players have no business being allowed to play ranked without showing they can complete 5 to 10 unranked matches without quitting.

Edit: Thanks for giving this post attention. Perhaps this can start a discussion with the right people about how particularly low rank elo needs a rework for those who actually care and wish to rank up.

2nd edit: my first game today had 1 player on each team abandon at round 8 after 2 smurfs ran the game up to 8-0.

3rd edit: my first game of the night session had a teammate abandon at 2-2. Went 20-13 down a player the entire game to get rating decreased after. I dunno man.



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