Ranked experience so far

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 12:31 PM

Ok it’s cliché I know…but I feel like I’m in elo hell for the first time. I’ve been playing for a little under a year now and I’m currently Plat 2. For context until now I’ve never felt like I deserved a rank I haven’t reached yet nor do I now. Although I’m feeling a bit stuck. I’ve done the VOD reviews. My crosshair placement is always a focal point in training as well as I do my best to never auto pilot in ranked. But I just can’t seem to climb.

Idk like do I need to just “get gud” and carry?…Ive done my best and even found multiple duos but I’m finally feeling like this brick wall of a learning curve is getting to me. And as a player who loves to learn and is ok with loss in pursuit of knowledge and gain I’m finding it hard to climb and I’m struggling.

Idek. I’m open to any and all advice. If anyone cares lol.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zq10lc/ranked_experience_so_far/
  • https://reddit.com/zq10lc

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