Posted by Steve
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 6:45 AM
I just started playing this game not too long ago and finally got my placement. My friends don’t like this game and I Came from CSGO with about 500 hrs in that game and got Silver 1, not the best player but fairly consistent. I play Initiator role so usually Fade or Kay/O and even Omen if needed. I have watched countless videos that say you will get better as you play the game or that if you “deserve a rank you will get there eventually” and my goal is not to jump to the top immediately but to have more consistent matches. What I mean by that is that when I solo q there is no telling what my team will be like, it is usually extremely one sided and most matches will be losses with a win sprinkled here and there. While I need to improve myself, I still play my role and pull my weight but it is very discouraging when your teammates are going negative and the enemy team is doing well all around. Any tips for a solo q player to get more consistent teammates/ matches and increase win rate?
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