Solo queue: Why it's has become unplayable (for me)

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 10:50 AM


  • Scroll to my suggestions on encouraging friendlier, more communicative games

As a high plat/low dia player, I've recently decided to solo queue because I'm so used to playing with a team. I know what you're thinking, "boosted". It's a fair thought, I'd probably think the same if I were reading this.

But the real problem, isn't my skill (I swear xD), it's games played with players that refuse to communicate and a few other things which I will dive into shortly. Since I decided to solo queue about 20-25 games ago, I've just rapid declined in rank, like insanely fast. I lose 20-25rr each time but only gain about 15-18, each win.

Now of course, you're thinking "You're not playing well enough" but actually, I'm, consistently getting mvp or tmvp 50+% of the time, not just marginally being at the top either. I'm consistently trying to help my team, I'm always super genuine, and nice to players that aren't doing so well, I ALWAYS give players benefit of the doubt and sometimes that lifts my team and we can go on to win but most of the time it's actually just me talking to a brick wall. People can respond to my igl'ship and most people do but actually, it's never enough.

Something is severely wrong with the way the ranking works because now, it seems my hidden mmr is still higher than my actual rank which means I lose EVEN MORE rr and gain EVEN less on a win, the further down my rank becomes <<<< ----- this is something that really needs fixing because there seems to be something misconfigured and you're not returning to your hidden mmr faster than you should, instead, you're having to fighter even harder to than the average person to get back to where you should be. When I go onto my friends account who is a natural gold, I outfrag those lobbies with ease

I'm 29 & I work 9-5 Mon-Friday so I guess I can't keep up consistency, so I have a few off games come Friday when I jump back in properly for the weekend. I used to play a lot of competitive css back in the day, competing in various tournaments (inc lan, eg iseries etc) every year, I play each game as though it were not solo'q and I can't and refuse to just go on a rampage baiting my entire team just for kills, I want to win god damn it!! I don't care about kills, I care about the win, and my team but the game forces you to be selfish in solo'que and there are ways to fix this. I like to meet new people, I like playing with new people, so here are some of my suggestions which could help people in my situation.

Player happiness

  • Flag users that are non-communicative, I understand people have good reason but riot, you have a chance to put a little pressure in order to give people the incentive to try at least.
  • Commendations at the end of games (auto match similar commendation)
  • Find a team (with filters, eg. language, match similar commendation, allow/disallow non-communicative). I understand this will increase waiting times but I'm okay with that!


  • Hidden MMR is working against most people, most of the time when things don't go right. I don't know the mechanics behind but would losses based on average rank and wins based on average hidden MMR work? It feels to me like that would.
  • Ranking is so against solo players & non-fraggers, more needs to be done for the consistent team players. Why should I be penalised for holding my site well all the time but losing because the others are just pushing and buying when they can't afford(not all, it just takes 1 or 2) . Could you put more emphasis on team buy rounds/save rounds when someone calls/presses the button??
  • Stop pairing teams like 3x lower elo, 1xmid elo 1x high elo (it seems this is very common)

On the plus side, I am seeing a lot less ragers in my team, just non-communicative ones now :), so that's a positive (Thank you Riot)

For those that are wondering, I was hard stuck p3 last act & within a small number of games, I'm now G3, heading into G2.

p.s. thanks Riot for a great game, granted I haven't spent as much as some people but around the £200, so that shows just how much I enjoy it. Please don't force me to 5 stack all the time!



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