The day has finally come: Prime Vandle is GONE

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 3, 2021 11:33 AM

As most of you probly know by now, prime vandle has long been ruineing the whole entire valrant game. Its not fun when you only got black vandle skin when the whole entire enemey team abuse the fact that its OP. I have been sayeing for a long time that prime vandle way to op and it got no place in a competive game like valrant.

But today, i was almost crying for 23 and a have minutes becuse I see the pach notes that said they REMOVED prime vandle from valrant!

Look here:

Even thogh prime vandle got removed, prime odan still exist. But This is a great first step toward riot showeing us they might not be the most greedyist company in the world! Now they only sell black vandle in the store so its a fair game and you cant just get to high rank like bronse only doing stuff like abuse pay to win skin.

The day has finaly come where the rana HACKER cant abuse prime vandle that much anymore and now I finally got to rank: iran 2 becuse not haveing prime vandle was holdeing me back.


Thank you riot devlpers i love You



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