Tips & tricks videos are lying to you

Posted by Steve

Saturday, September 11, 2021 6:02 AM

Here's what I mean by that.

I see tips and tricks videos by channels like ProGuides, SkillCapped, and GameLeap get tons of views because of clickbait and nice thumbnails.

What's important to know is that these channels are COMPANIES FIRST! All they want to do is make tips & tricks that sound sensible and are easy to implement into your games.

They don't give a damn if those tips are actually effective or not, they want to you think that their tips are easy and manageable to that you'll subscribe to their service hoping for more stuff. Only then do you get actual advice.

Like I said, THEY DONT CARE! They'll throw together any piece of garbage into a video. Once you see it, you'll want more, and hopefully subscribe to their services. A lot of what they say is bull.

I am aware that a lot of people know this. It's just with the amount of people clicking on these videos is too large for what these channels are. Advertisements.

I recommend these people on YouTube to help:

Eggwick MrLowlander Dragonmar Valorant Ascended GGMediocre

Good luck in your next games, stay safe everyone.



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