Too low sense issue

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 8:26 AM

So I'm currently on 0.22 sens with 1600 dpi. I feel it's pretty good for me and I'm on ascendant 2 with some quite good performance.

The only issue is after some rounds or maybe games, my hand starts getting tired and my performance gradually decreases so I gotta give my hand a lil bit of rest and I'm back at it.

The issue here is, I feel more comfortable with 0.25 sens instead of 0.22 but on the lower sens I can microflick little easier.

0.25 sens feels like I can play a little more of aggressive and can do some plays which I can't on lower.

0.22 sens just makes my hand get tired, specially in DMs.

I'm ok with both sens right now but confused should I really switch to higher one?



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