Unbalanced Matchmaking.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 3:52 PM

Unbalanced Matchmaking.

i had 480 RR at radiant, and i matched up against plats and golds. and a smurf/cheater.

edit: he probably wasn't cheating, and just had radiant/immortal elo from last episode.

and for those asking for match history/act rank, here : https://imgur.com/a/7cRxTQ3


ALL PREVIOUS GAMES were either immortal/radiant.

Even though I had a bad game before that, I still don't think it was the reason for the game to be matched this way.

And if it is, I don't think one bad game should allow you to be matched with players 1000+ rank rating below you.

Edit 2: for those saying why did I only have 30 kills, they just refused to go in and kept baiting me, because they said “you’re radiant man” Also, I literally do not have a single utility to help me frag, I picked sage to practice sage not become a duelist sage...

I entried as sage 15 rounds on t side, and i played a 3v5 retake at least 7-9 rounds on ct side. This is absolutely horrendous if you expect me to hit 50 from that.

It was a very “fun” experience that I won’t even say “ why don’t you try it”, because I don’t wish on even my worst enemy to get this kind of games.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mgk1u0/unbalanced_matchmaking/
  • https://reddit.com/mgk1u0

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