Who is the strongest in lore?

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 5, 2021 4:36 PM

So I'm really interested in valorant lore recently and I was just wondering how everyone else rates peoples strength in lore (I'm more basing it off of strength in combat but that doesn't necessarily conform to everyone's idea of power or strength). Personally, I feel like Yoru has actually one of the strongest abilities lore wise with him being able to rip through fabric of reality and some of his voice lines even hinting that he's witnessed the end of the world etc. Being able to easily get the drop on someone by teleporting or being concealed in the fabric of reality seems super strong but I don't really know how Astra's power works lorewise (and haven't seen much of her in game yet) so I wouldn't be able to say.

I feel like some of the weakest would be one of the non radiants (not sure which one possibly cypher) but, if we're talking about radiants, I'd say it would be sage since we're talking about combat strength and she has more of defensive abilities and she can only really use her heal on herself to sustain herself (again not sure how it works in lore properly but I'd assume she can't revive herself). Just want to see other people's opinions on this and, if you're not lazy like me, maybe even a lore strength tierlist.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lxjyn2/who_is_the_strongest_in_lore/
  • https://reddit.com/lxjyn2

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