Posted by Steve
Wednesday, January 5, 2022 6:02 AM
I recently lost interest in Valorant as it doesn't seem realistic for me to push Radiant as a college student, however I feel that I have some insight on climbing through the ranks in Valorant. I am aware I am probably the 100th person on this sub to make a post like this, but I feel very strongly that 90% of people who complain about ranked have a bad mindset.
First of all let me make it clear that if you are hardstuck, which I would define as being at the same rank for more than 2 acts, then you do not have a good mindset. You aren't losing because of your teammates. The only common denominator in all of your games is you. If you really deserve a better rank then you have to make a difference in your games. This doesn't mean you have to be PMA and I'm not saying every game is winnable. The key to getting out of elo hell is winning the games that you don't expect to.
About 20% of your games are unwinnable, no matter what you do. On the other hand, about 20% of your games are free. The remaining 60% are up to you. A lot of people claim that climbing is impossible in solo queue, and that their teammates are always bad but this is just self-serving bias. Just think about it.
If the players in your rank are so bad, then you should benefit from it. You have 5 randoms on the enemy team and 4 on your team, so there are more instances where the other team has god awful players than instances where you do. What people don't realize is while sometimes you get unlucky games the way the majority of people rank up is through a lucky winstreak.
If you want to rank up, stop complaining and focus on yourself. Just because the matchmaking is random doesn't mean it is unfair, you have to focus on yourself and if you consistently perform well and make good calls you will win.
Edit: A few people seem to think that it is more accurate to say you have a 10% affect on all of your games because there are 10 players. This may be true, but it still doesn't invalidate the rest of the post. Even if you can only do so much, by playing really well you will make a difference in those games that could go either way.
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