You only need to inform your teammates of the low ammo count if they have picked up the weapon from the ground

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 9:09 PM

I've seen a lot of players in all skill levels fall into this problem. Imagine your teammate is in a 1v4 situation, he has a phantom, sprays down two of them and instantly puts his crosshair to an angle, he has 8 bullets left, but doesn't reload. At this point, you shouldn't say "you have 8 bullets" or "check your bullets" or anything like that and make your teammate lose focus, he shot those bullets to get to 8 bullets, chances are, he knows. On the contrary, in the same situation, after your teammate sprays down 2, he runs out of bullets, and he picks up the closest gun, it's another phantom and it has 8 bullets, at this point you CAN tell your teammate that he has only 8 bullets, because he might not have checked the new gun's bullets as he was too focused on other things during the clutch.



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