You're allowed to have an off game as a duelist.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 11, 2021 3:24 PM

Just a PSA. You aren't automatically trash, despite what your teammates might be yelling at you. Keep fragging homies.

EDIT (context for haters): First half on offense my team kept telling what to do and what not to do as Jett...I rolled with it because they were doing well and I was okay playing entry for trades and causing chaos...eventually I pulled out an op and was told not to for some reason...again, I rolled with it.

Worked out pretty well and went up 9-3 or something on haven and I must have had like 7 kills. Then the second half...wheels started to come off and the blame game started. All of a sudden it's my fault nobody can hold sites and I'm not following instructions well enough I guess. Omen starts saving when we're buying so he can all of a sudden were dropping rounds and someone asks "what can we do differently?" Someone bluets out..."we can not instalock Jett...dude doesn't even op." At this point I'm fuming because I'm following these butt head orders the whole game sacrificing my k/d and fun so they can frag out, not oping because only our omen is allowed to, and I'm SUPER out of my element. Can't op...can't be aggressive...can't hold cheeky angles. Apparently I'm just supposed to solo sites and play retake, then get yelled at when they take site 10 seconds into the round. Everyone is blaming me for everything.

We lose a round and go down 9-10...more blaming me. I don't even reply and just say sorry guys, I have to mute (albeit in a very mean way because I was fed up). We lose. Chat is flooded with "trash Jett" "never queue again" blah blah blah. All around trash attitudes and lurking teammates. Worst part is that we had guys going afk for several rounds at a time and there was one really nice guy...but as they piled onto me, he started to join in because they were being nice to him. I ended up in the middle of the board after muting them and it's sad to know that all I needed to do was mute them from the start...or they could have been reasonable people and problem most likely would have been avoided (I'm terribly susceptible to trash talk so I mute enemy chat a lot but keep team comms on. I am the epitome of a low self esteem fpser in that regard even though I regularly drop 30+ in high diamond).

Lesson: look at yourself before others...and if it's the others that are to blame, maybe just be nice, because we've all been there.



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